Get in touch with HHMI
Hebraic Heritage Ministries
108 Payne Stewart Ln
Davenport, Florida 33837

Dr Eddie Chumney

Eddie enjoys speaking at conferences, congregations, home fellowships or special gatherings large or small. Here are some guidelines to follow in inviting Eddie to speak.
Eddie does not set a minimum fee to speak at your event. Eddie believes that our Heavenly Father will provide for all our needs. As a result, Eddie speaks on a "love offering" basis.
The host for Eddie's speaking engagement is expected to take care of transportation expenses. In most cases, Eddie will fly to your area. In some instances, he may drive. HHMI may book the travel or the host may book the travel. If HHMI books the travel, the host is expected to reimburse Eddie for his travel expenses.
The host is expected to provide lodging and pay for the lodging expenses for Eddie's speaking event. He is flexible to stay at a local hotel or at the private home of his hosts.
Eddie likes to eat a wide variety of foods. However, in doing so, he eats Biblically kosher. Eddie prefers to NOT eat wheat, corn, white potatoes or white rice.
Typically, Eddie will bring teaching or resource materials to his speaking event to sell to his speaking audience to aid them in their studies on the Hebraic roots of Christianity. Usually, a small table is needed to sell these products.
You may inquire to schedule Eddie to speak in your area in one of the following ways:
Phone / Text: 330-447-7542
Email: HebraicHeritage@yahoo.com
Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l
108 Payne Stewart Ln
Davenport, FL 33837
Video Bio of Dr Eddie Chumney
Dr Eddie Chumney was born in 1963. He started going to church when he was about five years of age. He grew up mostly attending the Jerusalem United Church of Christ in New Philadelphia, Ohio. He also attended a variety of other Sunday Protestant churches in his later teenage years and into his early twenties. In these churches, Eddie learned the root doctrine of most mainline Protestant and evangelical churches. It is the doctrine of dispensationalism. This doctrine teaches that the "Old Testament" is the "Age of Law" and the "New Testament" is the "Age of Grace". Later in his twenties and early thirties, Eddie realized that the "doctrine of dispensationalism" is the root teaching of Christian replacement theology.
When Eddie was 16 years old, he prayed to the God of Israel that HIS perfect Will be done in his life. One day in Sunday school class at the Jerusalem United Church of Christ, Yeshua put a burning desire in his heart to study and understand Bible prophecy. Initially, Eddie learned the traditional evangelical view of Bible prophecy which is primarily based upon a 7 year tribulation and a pre-tribulation rapture of the body of Messiah. About 10 years later, Eddie began to learn the "Hebraic View" of Bible prophecy. It started with the Biblical Festivals and the revelation that the spring festivals teach about Yeshua's first coming and the fall festivals teach about Yeshua's second coming. The "Hebraic View" of Bible prophecy is focused on understanding that it is the CENTRAL task of King Messiah to gather and unite the 12 tribes of Israel and to return them from their lands of exile to the land of Israel at the dawn of the Messianic Era.
In 1989, Eddie began to study the Biblical Festivals. In doing so, he was SHOCKED to discover that the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua / Jesus the Messiah as well as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 happened on Biblical Feasts. This discovery forever changed the direction of Eddie's walk with Yeshua the Messiah. Eddie discovered that Yeshua:
1) Died on Passover
2) Was buried on Unleavened Bread
3) Was resurrected on First Fruits
4) The Holy Spirit was outpoured in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost
In other words, the most significant events of Yeshua's first coming (His death, burial, resurrection and outpouring of the Holy Spirit) happened on Biblical Feast days. As a result, Eddie learned that the spring festivals teach about Yeshua's first coming and the fall festivals teach about Yeshua's second coming.
From his studies on the Biblical festivals, Eddie wrote his first book, "Seven Festivals of the Messiah." It was printed in 1994. Since then, Eddie wrote two more books. "Who is the Bride of Christ?" was printed in 1997. "Restoring the Two Houses of Israel" was printed in 1999.
Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l was founded by Eddie in 1995. The ministry website (www.hebroots.org) was launched in 1996. Eddie was first asked to do a Hebraic Roots weekend teaching seminar in the summer of 1997. Over the past 20 years, Eddie has spoken in nearly 40 states of the USA and in almost every province of Canada, Furthermore, Eddie has taught Hebraic Roots in many countries outside the USA including: England, Wales, Ireland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Costa Rica. In 2002, Eddie accepted the calling of the God of Israel to go into full-time ministry. He has an honorary doctorate degree in Hebraic Roots studies.
In the summer of 2000, Eddie started to study the traditional Jewish Torah commentaries and the Orthodox Jewish view of exile and redemption. From these studies, Eddie began to learn the deeper spiritual truths of the Torah and how the Torah is written about Yeshua the Messiah. In fact, Eddie was SHOCKED to learn that Yeshua gave the Torah at mount Sinai when the Holy Spirit revealed it to Him from His studies !!!
Eddie studied the traditional Jewish commentaries on the Torah from such well-known rabbis of the middle-ages such as Rashi, Ramban and Rambam. Furthermore, Eddie read and studied the Midrash Rabbah which is the largest collection of Jewish Aggadah. While reading from these Jewish resources, Eddie also began to initially understand the Orthodox Jewish view of the Messiah. This was later expanded by reading such books as the "Messiah Texts" by Rafael Patai and the "Messianic Idea in Israel" by Joseph Klausner. In his studies, Eddie learned that Rebbe Menachem Schneerson (Chabad-Lubavitch) wrote many books explaining the principles of exile and redemption. In doing so, Eddie learned that Judaism teaches that a central role of King Messiah of Israel (known as Messian ben David) is that he will gather the exiles of Israel (both Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom) and will unite and return them to the land of Israel at the dawn of the Messianic Era. Eddie also learned from reading the Jewish sources that Orthodox Judaism does NOT believe their brothers of the Northern Kingdom known as (Ephraim, the house of Joseph, Ten Tribes) will be regarded as being "halachically Jewish" (Talmud: Sanhedrin 110b, Yebamoth 16b, 17a) in the end of days when they return to Torah and unite with the Jewish people. Traditional Judaism teaches that when the Northern Kingdom returns, they will be seen as "non-Jews" from the nations who will return to following the Torah at the dawn of the Messianic Era. Traditional Judaism also teaches that when the Northern Kingdom (Ephraim, house of Joseph, Ten Tribes) and the Southern Kingdom (house of Judah) are united by King Messiah that the Shekinah will return with them. These principles are associated with the "Greater Exodus" and the fulfillment of the dry bones prophecy of Ezekiel 37 when the house of Joseph is united with the house of Judah (Ezekiel 37:15-24).
Eddie has taught on the Christian cable station, "God's Learning Channel" located in Midland / Odessa, TX from 2009 to 2011. He is also an original founder of the "Hebraic Roots Network." which started in 2011.
The Torah is the foundation for understanding the New Testament. The New Covenant is the TORAH written upon our hearts (Jeremiah 31:31, 33 and Hebrews 8:8-10) by the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 36:26-27). Yeshua's Torah written upon our hearts by the Holy Spirit IS the WILL of the God of Israel (Psalm 40:8). Yeshua commanded His followers to "love Him and KEEP His commandments (Torah)" (John 14:15). This can only be done with the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit who was given to lead and guide the followers of Yeshua into all truth (John 16:13) and produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25).
As followers of Yeshua the Messiah, we are called to "walk as He walked" (I John 2:6) which means to follow HIS Torah and to teach the Torah of Yeshua to ALL nations. This is the GREAT commission (Matthew 29:18-20). This is the purpose of this "Hebraic Roots of Christianity" discipleship program. Yeshua will fulfill His own "great commission" when HE teaches HIS Torah to ALL nations from Jerusalem during the Messianic Era (Isaiah 2:2-3).
By taking these discipleship classes, you can glean, learn and take advantage of the many years of study, knowledge and insight that Eddie has learned over the past 25 years learning the teachings of BOTH Christianity and Judaism. The covenant that Yeshua made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as the Torah that Yeshua gave at mount Sinai along with the teachings of Yeshua to His disciples and the events in the book of Acts and the writings of Peter, Paul, James and John are the foundation for understanding the "Hebraic Roots of Christianity" and a "Hebraic View" of end-time Bible prophecy.
After the first century, the Christian church began to drift away from following the Torah of Yeshua. As a result, first century Christianity rooted in the teachings of Yeshua, HIs disciples, the book of Acts and the writings of Peter, Paul, James and John was formally changed to "Greco-Roman" Christianity when the Roman emperor Constantine declared Christianity to be the state religion of Rome in 321 A.D. In doing so, the TRUE faith in believing in Yeshua as the Messiah and "walking as He walked" (I John 2:6) (which means to follow HIS Torah) was MIXED with Greco-Roman pagan customs and practices rooted in "sun worship." Nearly 1,700 years later, this set the stage for the "ministry and message of the spirit of Elijah" (Malachi 4:4-6) who calls the followers of Yeshua to return to HIS Torah by departing from the MIXED worship of historical Greco-Roman Christianity (mixed worship was called in Elijah's day - Baal worship) in preparing the Bride of Messiah (Isaiah 40:1-3) for Yeshua's return at His second coming. The ministry of the spirit of Elijah is meant to "change hearts" to return to the Torah (Malachi 4:4-5) and to "restore all things" (Matthew 17:10-11). As the popular modern Christian song proclaims, "These ARE the Days of Elijah !!!"
May Yeshua richly bless you in your studies of the many resource materials that are available in this discipleship program on the "Hebraic Roots" of Christianity. May it all be done for Yeshua's glory and the glory of HIS Kingdom !!!
Dr Eddie Chumney
Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l