The following courses are available for the discipleship program. Click on the course title for a detailed description.
The following courses are available in the section on "Hebraic Bible Prophecy".
3) The Parable of the Fig Tree
4) The Spiritual Battle Between Jacob and Esau
The following courses are available in the section on "Biblical Covenants".
The following courses are available in the section on "Biblical Festivals".
2) Passover
4) First Fruits
The following courses are available in the section on the "Biblical Priesthood".
The following courses are available in the section on the "Bride of Yeshua".
3) The Marriage Covenant Agreement and Lawsuit
4) The Tabernacle: A Blueprint of Heaven
5) How to be the Bride of Yeshua
6) The Parable of the Ten Virgins
The following courses are available in the section on "Exile and Redemption".
1) Exile and Redemption in Genesis
2) Exile and Redemption in Exodus
3) Exile and Redemption in the Prophets
The following course is available in the section on "Food and the New Testament".
a) Matthew 15
b) Acts 10
c) Acts 15
d) 1 & 2 Timothy
The following courses are available in the section on "Hebraic Roots 101".
The following course is available in the section on the "Hebrew Language ".
The following courses are available in the section on "Is Yeshua YHVH ?"
2) The Shema and the Unity of the Godhead
3) Yeshua the Word of the Lord
4) The Jewish View of the Godhead
The following courses are available in the section on "New Moon and Hanukkah"
1) New Moon: Rebirth and Restoration
2) Hanukkah: A Prophecy of the End of Days
The following course is available in the section on the "Modern History of Israel".
The following courses are available in the section on "Paul and Torah".
The following course is available in the section on the "Sabbath".
The following courses are available in the section on the "Satan's Kingdom".
1) Exposing the Kingdom of Darkness
The following courses are available in the section on the "The Holy Spirit".
1) The Power and Anointing of the Holy Spirit
The following courses are available in the section on the "Torah 101".
2) Should Christians Follow Torah?
4) God's PowerTwins: Torah and Grace
6) Whose Torah Do you Believe?
The following courses are available in the section on the "Greater Exodus".
2) Principles of the Greater Exodus
The following course is available in the section on "Who is the House of Jacob?"
The following course is available in the section on "The Spiritual Life of a Believer"
1) Our Spiritual Journey from Egypt to the Promise Land
2) The Sacrifice of Praise: A Life of Thanksgiving
3) The Minchah Offering: Giving our Best with a Pure Heart
The following courses are available in the section on "Torah and the New Testament".
1) Acts 15: Restoring the Tabernacle of David
2) Romans: For or Against Torah?
3) Galatians: For or Against Torah?
4) Was the Torah nailed to the cross?
(Study: 2 Cor Chap 3 / Eph 2 / Col 2)
5) Hebrews: Yeshua our Melchizedek Priest
The following courses are available in the section on "Two Houses and the New Testament".
1) Biblical Terms for the Exiles of Israel
2) Two Houses and the New Testament
The following courses are available in the section on "What the Rabbis Teach about Messiah and the Ten Tribes".
1) What the Rabbis Teach about Messiah
2) What the Rabbis Teach about the Ten Tribes
The following course is available in the section on "Yeshua: In the Volume of the Book".
Click HERE to see the discipleship courses visually rather than a text list.

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The following study subjects are available for the discipleship program. Click on the study subject title for a detailed description.
10) Is Yeshua YHVH?
12) Modern Israel
13) Paul and Torah
14) Torah 101
15) Sabbath
16) Satan's Kingdom
18) The Holy Spirit
20) The Spiritual Life of a Believer
21) Torah and the New Testament
22) Two Houses and the New Testament