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for the subject, "Hebraic Roots 101"
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Hebraic Roots 101
What is the Hebraic Roots of Christianity? It begins by understanding the person of the Messiah Yeshua. He is Jewish. He was born a Jew. He lived His life as a Jew who followed Torah and kept the Biblical Sabbath and the Biblical Festivals. He followed the Torah being led by the Holy Spirit. He died a Jew. When He returns at His second coming, He will set up His Messianic Kingdom on earth and be teaching the Torah to all nations from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-3) fulfilling the "Great Commission".
What is Hebraic Roots 101? In part, it is the faith that Yeshua taught His disciples. Most people don’t realize that the Christianity that they are taught in their churches is Greco-Roman Christianity. As a result, most Christians see the Bible through Greek eyes rather than Hebrew eyes. Furthermore, they don’t view Yeshua through the eyes of the Torah. As a result, we need to reexamine the basic foundations of our faith.
In Hebraic Roots 101, we cover the following subjects:
1) The entire Bible is written about Yeshua
2) Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Sinai
3) What is the role of the Holy Spirit in following Yeshua’s Torah?
4) Should non-Jews keep the weekly Sabbath and annual Biblical Festivals?
5) What is the new covenant?
6) What is the great commission?
7) What is Yeshua’s role in gathering and uniting the twelve tribes of Israel?
8) What is sin?
9) Who is the house of Jacob?
10) What does it mean to ‘walk as Yeshua walked?’ (1 John 2:6)
What is the ministry of Elijah? It is the call of the people of the God of Israel to return to the Torah (Malachi 4:4-5). It is also a ministry to prepare the Bride of Messiah for Yeshua's coming and cause her to be ready when He returns for her. Yeshua's role and task as the Redeemer of Israel is to end the exile of His people and gather and unite the 12 tribes of Israel.
Watch a video OR listen to audio teachings.
With each subject, you can either watch a full length video teaching on each course OR listen to same course in shorter 25 minute audio segments.
After you have watched the video or listened to the audio, there is an online quiz with in-depth study questions so you can dig deeper into the scriptures with each lesson.
You can take the courses online to receive ribbon points for completing a course and badge points for completing a subject.
When you complete all courses and all subjects, you can receive a
certificate of completion. This certificate is equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree in Hebraic studies. We will be looking into college accreditation for the program in the future for those who desire to have this.
Alternatively, if you are a Pastor or home group leader, you can lead your home group or congregation through the questions in a small group discussion format.
There are three membership levels.
#1) Free Trial Membership
#2) $25 USD per month to take the on-line classes.
#3) $35 USD per month to take the on-line classes and receive the class DVD's in the postal mail.
Hebraic Roots 101 – Audio OR Video

Badge Points:
Steps to achieve
- completed to achieve this badge
- Yeshua’s Life and Ministry – Audio OR VideoHebraic Roots 101 – Audio OR VideoThe Elijah Message – Audio OR Video