Principles of Greater Exodus ~ Video Lesson Course
Principles of Greater Exodus ~ Video Lesson Course
When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and purged the blood of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning, then the LORD will create above every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and above her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a covering. And there will be a tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a shelter from storm and rain. Isaiah 4:4-6
This teaching series explains how the events in Genesis and Exodus foreshadow the course of modern history. The Torah is given to us so we can learn and understand that through the lives of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses, that this is a pattern for the people of Israel. Biblical history is prophecy. The biblical principle is this: the end is told in the beginning.
When Israel breaks the covenant made at Mt Sinai, they will later be going into exile. The events associated with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the exile of the nation of Israel into the nations and their redemption through the Messiah. The conflict between Jacob and Esau foreshadows the events of the tribulation or Jacob’s trouble. Joseph’s separation from his brothers foreshadow the split of the house of Jacob into Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom and their eventual reunification. The judgments upon Egypt foreshadows the judgment upon the nations during the tribulation period. The two signs of Moses foreshadow the death and resurrection of the Messiah. The events of the historical Egyptian exodus foreshadows the tribulation, judgment of the nations, and the redemption of Ephraim and Judah.
These exiles of Israel will ultimately be gathered back to the land of Israel, they will be united in Messiah, and be under the rulership of Messiah Yeshua during the Messianic Era. Listen in as Eddie reveals to us the patterns and principles of the exile of our forefathers and the pattern of the ingathering of the exiles, known as the “Greater Exodus to Come.” Join Eddie in this fascinating journey!
Watch a video OR listen to audio teachings.
With each subject, you can either watch a full length video teaching on each course OR listen to same course in shorter 25 minute audio segments.
After you have watched the video or listened to the audio, there is an online quiz with in-depth study questions so you can dig deeper into the scriptures with each lesson.
You can take the courses online to receive ribbon points for completing a course and badge points for completing a subject.
When you complete all courses and all subjects, you can receive a
certificate of completion. This certificate is equivalent to a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Hebraic studies. We will be looking into college accreditation for the program in the future for those who desire to have this.
Alternatively, if you are a Pastor or home group leader, you can lead your home group or congregation through the questions in a small group discussion format.
There are three membership levels.
#1) Free Trial Membership
#2) $25 USD per month to take the on-line classes. You will have access to 4 lessons per month.
#3) $35 USD per month to take the on-line classes and receive the class CD’s and / or DVD’s in the postal mail.
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Principles of Greater Exodus

Ribbon Points:
Steps to achieve
- Sr.noSteps completed to achieve this ribbon
- Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #1Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #2Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #3Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #4Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #5Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #6Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #7Principles of the Greater Exodus – Video Lesson #8