The following Study Subjects are available for the discipleship program. Click on each subject for a detailed description AND listen to a video description of that Subject Area.

10) Is Yeshua YHVH?
12) Modern Israel
13) Paul and Torah
14) Torah 101
15) Sabbath
16) Satan's Kingdom
18) The Holy Spirit
20) The Spiritual Life of a Believer
21) Torah and the New Testament
22) Two Houses and the New Testament
What is the Purpose of the Discipleship Program?
The purpose of the Hebraic Heritage discipleship program is to show Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation. In the volume of the book it is written of Him (Psalm 40:7). The Torah, Prophets and Psalms are written of Him (Luke 24:44). Yeshua gave the Torah at mount Sinai. As new covenant believers (Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:8) in Yeshua as the Messiah, we are to follow His Torah by His Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 36:26-27, Romans 7:22).
The discipleship program will systematically take you through various subjects and teachings to give you a comprehensive understanding of the Hebraic Roots of Christianity. The ultimate purpose of the discipleship program is to prepare the Bride of Yeshua for His second coming. She must make herself ready! (Revelation 19:7)
The Bride of Messiah must wear a garment clean and white (Revelation 19:8). This is the Torah! (John 15:3) which is the Word of God (Psalm 119:105, Proverbs 6:23). She must be spiritually mature in her character (Ephesians 4:13, Hebrews 5:12-14). She must have the fruit of the Spirit manifest in her life (Galatians 5:22-25). She needs to return to His Torah so she is prepared for His task to end her exile (Isaiah 11:1-2, 10-13, Jeremiah 23:5-8, Ezekiel 34:11-13) in the nations for violating His Torah when He gathers and unites the twelve tribes of Israel (John 10:14-17, 11:49-52). This is the end time function of the ministry of Elijah (Isaiah 40:1-3, Malachi 4:4-6).
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