Watch a short video explaining the teachings for the subject, "Biblical Priesthood"
Watch a short video explaining how to take a course in the discipleship program.

The Levitical Priesthood
Levi is one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Because the Levites didn't participate in the sin of the golden calf, they were given the priesthood. Aaron and his sons served in the office of the high priest. The dutes of the Levites included the following:
1) The Levites served in the Tabernacle and Temple
2) The Levites carried the ark of the covenant
3) The Levites were worship leaders
4) The Levites were given tithes
5) The Levites taught the Torah
6) The Levites were officers and judges
7) The Levites were porters
8) The Levites were not given a land inheritance
9) The Levitical were given cities where to live
10) The Levites are associated with the Southern Kingdom
11) The Levites participated in the rebuilding of the second Temple
12) The Melchizedek priesthood is superior to the Levitical priesthood
13) Yeshua will take Levites from the nations to serve during the Messianic Era
14) The Levites will perform their duties in the Messianic Temple of the Messianic Era
This is one of the most detailed studies on the Levitical priesthood that you are most likely to encounter. As a result, you will have a more deeper and richer understanding of the Bible.
Watch a video OR listen to audio teachings.
With each subject, you can either watch a full length video teaching on each course OR listen to same course in shorter 25 minute audio segments.
After you have watched the video or listened to the audio, there is an online quiz with in-depth study questions so you can dig deeper into the scriptures with each lesson.
You can take the courses online to receive ribbon points for completing a course and badge points for completing a subject.
When you complete all courses and all subjects, you can receive a
certificate of completion. This certificate is equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree in Hebraic studies. We will be looking into college accreditation for the program in the future for those who desire to have this.
Alternatively, if you are a Pastor or home group leader, you can lead your home group or congregation through the questions in a small group discussion format.
There are three membership levels.
#1) Free Trial Membership
#2) $25 USD per month to take the on-line classes.
#3) $35 USD per month to take the on-line classes and receive the class DVD's in the postal mail.
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