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The Elijah Message
And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? Matthew 24:3
We know that we are living now in the end of days because the signs are all around us. Presently, much of the nation of Israel is living in exile for breaking the Torah. Presently, the nations of the world rule over them.
What is the transition point when we have the fall of the nations and the kingdom of Israel, the “whole house of Israel” being restored? We call that time the tribulation period. Some of the trigger events that happen during the tribulation period:
*the land of Israel gets divided (Joel 3:1-3)
*the city of Jerusalem is divided (Zech 14:1-3)
*the establishment of a Palestinian state
These are some of the signs that we are coming into the end of days. Another sign that we are coming into the end of days is the raising up of the ministry and message of Elijah. What is the Elijah message? What is his ministry? What does he have to say in the end of days before the second coming of Messiah? That is what we are going to look at in this teaching series.
Watch a video OR listen to audio teachings.
With each subject, you can either watch a full length video teaching on each course OR listen to same course in shorter 25 minute audio segments.
After you have watched the video or listened to the audio, there is an online quiz with in-depth study questions so you can dig deeper into the scriptures with each lesson.
You can take the courses online to receive ribbon points for completing a course and badge points for completing a subject.
When you complete all courses and all subjects, you can receive a
certificate of completion. This certificate is equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree in Hebraic studies. We will be looking into college accreditation for the program in the future for those who desire to have this.
Alternatively, if you are a Pastor or home group leader, you can lead your home group or congregation through the questions in a small group discussion format.
There are three membership levels.
#1) Free Trial Membership
#2) $25 USD per month to take the on-line classes.
#3) $35 USD per month to take the on-line classes and receive the class DVD's in the postal mail.
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